National Sunglasses Day: Info and Advice

Happy National Sunglasses Day!
June 27 is the perfect day to make a fashion statement and celebrate in style wearing your favorite pair of shades. It’s also a good time to remember the importance of protecting our eyes from harmful UV rays. Now that summer has officially begun, we are all looking forward to those moments at the beach, backyard BBQs, and everything in between. Get your favorite pair of shades ready because they’ll be a staple in the coming months.
National Sunglasses Day has been celebrated since 2009, but picked up traction when The Vision Council backed it in 2014 to promote the importance of UV eye protection. Sunglasses’ main function is to shield our eyes from potentially dangerous effects of ultraviolet rays. When shopping, you should always look to buy polarized lenses to make sure you’re getting full protection from the sun.
Helpful Tips:
1. Year-Round Protection
National Sunglasses Day is a great “check-in” day for individuals because it reminds them that protecting their eyes is a year-round task. Whether it’s cold or unbearably hot, cloudy or sun-filled outside, UV rays are present. From skiing to paddle boarding, always make sure to rock your sunnies.
Be on the lookout for sunglasses with lenses that have a sticker or label that indicates UVA/UVB protection. What’s the difference? UVA rays contain the longest wavelengths and passes through glass easily, UVB rays are the most dangerous and do not pass through glass and lastly, we don’t need to worry about UVC rays because they do not reach our atmosphere. The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Look for shades that protect 99 to 100% of UVA/UVB light commonly labeled “UV 400.”
3. Eye Health
Are you eating the foods that are best for your eyes? Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamins C and E might help fight off age-related vision problems. Good sources of these nutrients include kale, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, beans, and of course, carrots.
4. Computers and Eyes?
On average, we spend 7 hours a day in front of a computer screen. That doesn’t include mobile devices. You’ve probably noticed that if you stare at a screen for too long, you could start experiencing dry eyes, blurry vision, headaches, and more. Always make sure that you’re taking sufficient breaks to step away from the screen and focus on something else- preferably in the distance.
5. Eye Exams
Getting an annual eye exam is crucial to check for changes in vision and more serious diseases such as glaucoma. Many eye problems have little to no symptoms so having a doctor examine them regularly is pertinent. Our eyes are constantly changing. For those with prescription lenses or contacts who don’t regularly visit a professional, know that you may be wearing an out-of-date prescription which could lead to headaches and more problems.
6. Style and Comfort
Of course we couldn’t end without leaving you with some style tips! Make sure you’re buying sunglasses that fit your particular wardrobe. It’s very easy to hop on the latest sunglass or fashion trend, but keep in mind that you want pairs of shades that complement your everyday look. Comfort and fit also play an important role. Make sure you find sunglasses that not only look great, but feel great. Think about all the pairs that just collect dust on your wardrobe because they’re too tight or need to be properly adjusted. Take the time to go into a store and try on different styles, shapes, and designers. Who knows, maybe you’ll end up with a look that was completely different than what you were expecting!
We would like to thank The Vision Council for bringing light to protective eyewear. We take caution with our skin and know the importance of sunscreen, but sometimes can forget how harmful those rays can be on our vision. We think of sunglasses as a fashion statement AND a major health necessity. If you’re around the Massachusetts/Rhode Island area, swing by one of our many retail locations and talk to an eye-wear expert today. If not, make sure to visit us on and shop a large selection of UVA/UVB protection lenses. As always, don’t forget to #BeYourOwnIcon.